Semester III Examination (2024) Time Tables and Other Details for 2022 batch and Repeaters

Dear All,

Time Tables relevant to semester III examination have been published herewith.

Issuing Admission

For 2022 batch – From 9.00 am to 3.30 pm on 03/06/2024 only.

For Repeaters (2020 batch) -From 9.00 am to 3.30 pm on 03/06/2024 and 8.30 am to 8.45 am on each day during examination period only.

Admissions will be issued by Administrative Division.

Documents Required to Sit for the Examination

All the following documents are compulsory to sit for the examination.

  • IET Student Identity Card
  • Examination Admission

To issue a duplicate admission (in any case of missing the original one), you may have to pay a penalty.


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