Registration and Commencement of Semester III, 2023 Batch

Dear All 2023 Batch Students, Your Academics Semester III will be commenced on 28/10/2024. Registration for the Semester III will be progressed on 28/10/2024 from 9.00 am to 11.30 am at IET Auditorium.  Before you come for registration, you have to pay second installment (Rs. 50,000.00) of your course fee to the following Bank account…

Notice for All Repeaters Register for Semester II Repeat Practical, Assignments & Examination – 2024

Dear All, When you register for repeat practical, assignments or examinations, after doing payments to Accounts division, you have to submit the registration form to the Administrative division during the registration period. Otherwise, you will not be able to appear for relevant repeat Practical, Assignment or Examinations.  Note: For 2023 batch only students with acceptable reason…