SIP Practical Repeat Cycle – 2024, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Deputy Principal (Academic)
Deputy Principal (Academic)
Dear All, As you have been informed early, you have to register for your semester II on 17/04/2024 (from 8.30 am to 9.30 am). If you will not register for your semester II during the allocated time without any prior notice, you will be considered as an apprentice who leaves the course. The time table…
Deputy Principal (Academic)
Dear All (2022 Batch), Your Academic Semester III will be commenced on 22/01/2024. Registration for Semester III will be progressed from 9.00 am to 11.00 am on 22/01/2024. Most probably your academic activities will started from afternoon session of same day as per the time table provided by respective HOD. Deputy Principal (Academic)
Deputy Principal (Academic)