Time Table of GIP Repeat Examination 2024 for 2018 and Early Batches
Deputy Principal (Academic)
Deputy Principal (Academic)
Dear All (2022 Batch), Your Academic Semester III will be commenced on 22/01/2024. Registration for Semester III will be progressed from 9.00 am to 11.00 am on 22/01/2024. Most probably your academic activities will started from afternoon session of same day as per the time table provided by respective HOD. Deputy Principal (Academic)
Dear All, You have to collect your examination Admission as follows. Civil Engineering – 09/10/2024 from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm only. Electrical Engineering – 15/10/2024 from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm only. DP(A)
Dear All, The revised time tables regarding Semester III Examination 2024 have been published herewith. Do not get confuse only examination time has been changed to 9.30 am – 12.30 pm. Dates allocation is same as early published time tables. DP(A)
Dear All, Please refer the list published herewith to find your admission number at IET. Deputy Principal (Academic) 2024 BATCH
Those who have to participate SIP repeat practical cycle and repeat examination, 2023 have to register on or before 27/09/2023. DP(A)
Dear All, If you are not able participate any practical session of assignment in your semester II due to any valid reason mentioned below, meet DPA within 03-09/09/2024 with proofing documents. (Original and a copy). Note: Please mention your index number and list of practicals and assignments (with subject codes) you missed during the allowable time…