Registration for SIP Repeat Practical Cycle and Repeat Examination, 2023
Those who have to participate SIP repeat practical cycle and repeat examination, 2023 have to register on or before 27/09/2023.
Those who have to participate SIP repeat practical cycle and repeat examination, 2023 have to register on or before 27/09/2023.
Dear All, Time Tables for SIP practical repeat cycle have been published herewith. Please be on time at relevant laboratories. Make sure to keep your IET student ID card with you. DP(A)
Dear All, Please note that Certificate Division will be closed on 15 & 16/04/2024. DP(A)
Dear All (2022 Batch), Your Academic Semester III will be commenced on 22/01/2024. Registration for Semester III will be progressed from 9.00 am to 11.00 am on 22/01/2024. Most probably your academic activities will started from afternoon session of same day as per the time table provided by respective HOD. Deputy Principal (Academic)
The selected list for NDES 2023 Batch, Institute of Engineering Technology, Katunayake has been published herewith. The registration dates are as follows: Civil Engineering - 12/09/2023 Electrical Engineering - 13/09/2023 Mechanical Engineering - 14/09/2023 You will be receiving a call letter with more information. Selected List for NDES 2023 Download Calling Letter Download
Dear All, Please find the timetable for your semester II examination 2024 published herewith. You should be able to produce following documents during the examination to allow you to sit for the exam. Issuing Admission Note: To issue a duplicate admission, you have to bear a cost. DP(A)