Revised GIP Repeat Examination Timetable – 2024
Dear all,
Find the revised GIP repeat examination timetable herewith.
Dear all,
Find the revised GIP repeat examination timetable herewith.
Dear All, It is pleasure to inform you that your NDES Certificates are ready to collect from 13/11/2023. Note: Please make sure that your IET student ID card be with yourself. Deputy Principal (Academic)
Deadline for the registration for Enrollment Examination for National Diploma in Engineering Sciences (NDES) 2024 batch has been further extended. The online registration link at Sri Lanka Department of Examination will be reactivated on 20th June 2024 and closed on 8th July 2024. The gazette notification regarding this extension will be published in the gazette dated 20/06/2024….
Dear All, If you are not able participate any practical session of assignment in your semester II due to any valid reason mentioned below, meet DPA within 03-09/09/2024 with proofing documents. (Original and a copy). Note: Please mention your index number and list of practicals and assignments (with subject codes) you missed during the allowable time…
Dear All, Please fill attached document to apply for a transcript. Note: Certificate Division is closed on 04/04/2024 Deputy Principal (Academic)
Dear All, Please note that certificate division will be closed on 09/04/2024 (Tuesday). DP(A)